“Every song has a story and, every story…a song.”

Kate's Uke Song

To Princess Kate

“Down, down-up down-up down-up down is the rhythm.”

Kate's Uke Song

To download, click on the Download Now button.  When the track appears, clock on the 3 dots on the right.

The Uke (Ukulele) is a beautiful, simple, playful instrument that virtually anyone can learn and love to play. I started in 2003 when Linda and I went to Maui for the first time. Since then I have maintained a minimal time of practice but loved to play Christmas Carols and kids songs.

Princess Kate (my Granddaughter) wanted to learn to play the Uke around Christmas 2018 and so Paul & Ola got her one. Being very excited, I offered weekly lessons via Face Time and once a month live lessons in Eugene. The weekly lessons started with Twinkle Twinkle which Katie mastered very quickly so we moved into learning chords and several camp songs. By the end of the first month of lessons, Olivia wanted to play to so I sent her a Uke and the three of us practiced and jammed and learned many different songs.

Kate and Ola were both catching on so quickly that I ran out simple songs to work on. Katie seemed to really enjoy this new world of music and the Uke so I wrote a song about just that; Katie and her Uke…or, Kate’s Uke Song.

Epilogue: On December 26th of 2019, less than a full year of practice and jamming Kate, Olivia and I organized a little Christmas Caroling segment for Christmas at Greenwood complete with song sheets. It was the highlight of my Christmas

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Emily

    I love this so much! I wish I could have been at the Christmas jam session!!!

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