“Every song has a story and, every story…a song.”

Yes To You

To Nick & Lindsay

“Divisi’s queens; yellow and green, a fifth on the rocks taste so sweet. It brought us here to a whole new world of love.”

Piano composed and performed by Jim Firth

Yes To You

To download, click on the Download Now button.  When the track appears, clock on the 3 dots on the right.

Prologue – A Priest friend of mine once told me, “Jesus asks us to love everyone.  But He didn’t say we have to like them.  If you both love and like; it’s a little bit of Heaven.”
Prologue 2 –  I have a small, stone wall hanging in my room that Linda gave me.  It reads, “Loved you then. Love you still. Always have, always will.”

Nick attended the University of Oregon (GO DUCKS!) and during that time spent three years in the Nationally renowned Men’s aCapella group; On The Rocks.  The UO also had an equally Nationally renowned Women’s aCapella group; DiVisi.  Lindsay was a member of that group and it was there that Nick and Lindsay met. 

I remember the first time meeting Lindsay; so bright, beautiful, talented, and delightful. Being with the two of them together seemed like they’d known each other all their lives. They were obviously in love but there was something so much more; it was clear that they were good friends and really liked one another.  I can’t tell you how peaceful it is to know that your child is in a “like” relationship with the one he loves.

When the “Save the Date” cards came out I was thrilled. 

Early one morning I took one of the cars in to be serviced and got there too soon.  I sat quietly surrounded by old car parts and started thinking of Nick & Lindsay.  As I did the little stone wall hanging Linda gave me drifted by with a melody attached.  And as it continued, all in the first person, I heard the voice of someone who was aware of what is now and of what was to come and could easily say “YES” because he was marrying his best friend.

That’s not a very dramatic story.  In this experience, the song graciously repeated itself over and over until complete. I felt genuinely connected to the message and the simple truth that saying “yes” to what is known in a relationship as well as what is to be discovered is “a little bit of Heaven” when trusting that my partner; my companion, and best friend feels the same way too. 

Thanks: Thank you, Jim, for composing and recording the piano arrangement for Yes To You.  Your work is the foundation from which I could craft this song.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Suzanne Varien

    Beautiful song for a beautiful couple <3

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