“Every song has a story and, every story…a song.”

Bless The Lord

To Fr Richard Scully

“Sun and moon, bless the Lord.  Stars in heaven, bless the Lord. Every flower, all the dew and all the rain.”

Bless The Lord

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This is one of those songs that I don’t recall the details of the story other than; Psalm 19 was used in daily Morning Prayer during my Cursillo retreats.  It became a part of my personal daily prayer following the retreat for years.

I do recall one morning after reciting Psalm 19 that it had a lyrical rhythm about it.  I recall reading it in fragments and hearing a melody accompanying the fragments.  As I know the text isn’t verbatim with the text in the Lectionary and the refrains are personal interpretations on the overall theme, it is what it is and I loved writing and singing it.

One of my proudest moment as a young songwriter was being asked to sing Bless the Lord at Fr. Richard Scully’s ordination.   I can remember standing in the Ambo at St Paul Cathedral in Yakima, WA singing Bless the Lord to a sea of Priests, family and friends of the newly ordained priest. It gave some validation to my simple song; which, in the long run it didn’t really need. 

It’s funny how I’ve placed validation on some fleeting moments, a long time ago.  

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