“Every song has a story and, every story…a song.”

Take Me To The High Places

“Will you take me to the high places? And there you can transform me to something wonderful and new.”

Take Me To The High Places

To download, click on the Download Now button.  When the track appears, clock on the 3 dots on the right.

My first introduction to parish ministry was as a youth minister. That came by way of a friend I made at a Cursillo retreat who had a long established youth ministry in a city two hours away. I was intrigued by the emotional energy in this group and the straight forward message to live the Gospel my friend taught. 

It was during the beginning of my music ministry as well which was slowly but steadily growing. I was being asked to do small concerts for various parish groups and be the music ministers for many of my friend’s retreats.  I made friends with some of the kids as well that continued on for many years after they moved into adulthood.  Two of the kids; sweethearts in the youth group decided to get married and asked me to sing at their wedding. 

At that time I was reading a small but wonderful book called “Hinds Feet On High Places” by Hannah Hurnard. It is an allegorical story about a small girl named “Much Afraid” who wanted to climb out of the “valley of fear” to be with the “Shepherd” on the High Places.  Her journey leads her to a new life and a new name (no spoilers). It was a simple story of a life being transformed by the power of love.

As I finished the book I saw the theme being applied to two people on a journey together to the High Places and how each person’s strengths supported the other’s weaknesses.  It became a wedding gift to my new married friends sung for the first time at their wedding.

PS. The recording including a wonderful performance by Marci doing a duet and nailing the harmony for the refrains.

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