“Every song has a story and, every story…a song.”

Please Be You

“So please be you, only you. ‘Cause I have given you gifts that I believe only you could use.”

Please Be You
Please Be You

To download, click on the Download Now button.  When the track appears, clock on the 3 dots on the right.

Please Be You has a very special place in my heart because it is central to my human journey, much of which was directed by my Bipolar experiences.  The theme of Please Be You is central to my growth while at the same time being the mirror that reflects back to me my self-delusions.  I have many, many stories I could attach to Please Be You; stories of thinking I’m one person and discovering I’m not, feeling the pull to see myself as a completely different person only to find others are hurt because of it.

Let’s take a moment to agree on something before continuing on:  There is no possible way for a person to live fully alive as another.  Being ourselves is the only thing we truly have.

Now to the story.

I have mentioned in other stories about making a Cursillo Retreat at the age of 19; a four day Catholic Men’s experience that had a profound influence on my very young mind.  I was married to Marci and we had one infant child, Christy. I worked for a candy factory and lived the life of a young man with a family. My faith life was obligatory but regular.

The retreat changed my perception of being a Christian almost immediately. I discovered that being Catholic wasn’t just going through mandatory rites but an invitation to have a personal relationship with God as He calls me to be an Apostle in my own small part of the world; to “bloom where I am planted.”  My very good friend, Fr Jerry Corrigan sponsored me and was part of the retreat team.  He was significant in my transformation from “David in the pew” to “David the Apostle.”  After four days of well chosen presentations, group discussions, prayer, singing, laughter, meals, time for reflection; I felt the call of God deep within my soul.

As I pointed out it was a men’s only retreat so Marci and Christy were at home waiting for me.  The trip back was late and I remember walking in the house and seeing Christy curled up with Marci both sound asleep.  I woke Marci to tell her I’m home and she asked how the retreat was.  While I know this next part is hard to believe it is absolutely the truth.

I told Marci how the retreat changed me, how it touched me deeply, that my faith was now a primary part of my life, how I felt called by God to do something special, to be something special.  And that something special was to be…a Priest.  I explained how sad I was that we were going to need to get divorced so that I could be a Priest for God’s people but I was certain that’s what my calling was.

Needless to say there were tears. It was hard to fall asleep and I know Marci was restless as well.

A few days passed and my conviction was growing.  After work one afternoon, Fr. Jerry called me and asked me to come over. When I arrived he greeted me warmly and once seated shared with me that he heard from Marci about my decision to be a Priest.  He listened attentively to my feelings and my unmistakable belief that God is calling me to be, like him; a Priest.

Fr. Jerry was the most compassionate man I’ve ever known and he was more so that afternoon.  He began his reply by saying, “David, you are absolutely correct in feeling that God is calling you to be a Priest.”  I was stunned.  Then he continued, “However, when you were Baptized you were called at that time to be Priest, Prophet and King in God’s eyes, doing His work where you are and who you are.”  He continued, “I believe you are hearing your Baptismal call for the first time in a way you may never have expected.”  He paused, “David, you are a Priest.  Go be a Priest to your family, your co-workers, your friends, to the poor, the sick and the lonely.  Be David; Priest, Prophet and King.”

We both cried, but I was crying in relief.  I had mistaken a powerful feeling to become someone I’m not, something I’m not and Fr. Jerry blessed me and encouraged me to be…me.

Fast forward a couple of years; I started a youth group in our small parish and we had a good 12 to 15 regulars.  As I recall all but one of the high school kids were Catholic and from the same parish; all but Andy.  Andy was a quiet, humble yet intensive young man who deeply wanted to be a person of faith.  We had many one on one talks as Andy shared how he struggles to find his place in the world; feeling like he doesn’t belongs and deep questions about his calling; how would he know and should he become Catholic. I appreciated being a part of his quest as I could sense in him the same passion to be an Apostle as I had only a couple of years earlier. 

One Monday following a youth group meeting and an extended talk with Andy after I was thinking about him as I worked on the most mundane, mindless, dirty part of my job.  I thought about how genuinely good Andy is and wanted to be able to tell with him what Jerry told me; “Priest, Prophet and King.”  Instead what I heard was a wonderfully simple little song in my head; “So please be you. Only you, ’cause I have given you gifts that I believe only you could you.”  It played over and over all day long and I couldn’t wait to get home to clean the powered sugar out of my hair and put some guitar to it.  

I don’t recall playing Please Be You to Andy.  But I think of him almost every time I play it or hear it.  Thank you Andy and; Please Be You.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Beth

    Wow David! I loved hearing your history of Please Be You!
    How powerful! You touched so many of us High School kids at Holy Trinity with your wonderful music and concerts!
    This album will always mean so much to me!!

  2. Beth DiFalco

    Hey Beth, Thanks so much for the comment and for your wonderful references to the ‘good old days’ in youth ministry. I’m sending you an mp3 of anything you want to download but can’t. I hope to see you this year…in person with no mask. Please go to the More From David Firth link and click on the Please Be You icon. I dedicated the page to you. Blessing, David

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