Six String Orchestra Story

Six String Orchestra is a song written by Harry Chapin, one of the finest folk rock and pop artist of the 70s. He was a humanitarian known throughout the world for his ability to tell a story in a song.  Six String Orchestra is one of my favorite songs; ever.

During my years as a youth minister in the church there was a period when thematic slide show presentations with music companying music bed was a tool to drive home a specific message. (To be clear, I am talking about the carousel slide projector with a couple dozen slides and a screen.  The music bed was from a separate stereo or boom box).  Six String Orchestra was a go to prepared slide show I kept in a carousel ready to use for a number of themes:  being yourself, recognizing we need others, dreaming to be the best you can be and so on.  

I love Six String Orchestra because I can relate to the story of learning to play the guitar and thinking I’m good enough for others to want to hear.  It certainly didn’t happen right away for me. And even today, I’d rather work with a band to cover up my poor guitar playing.  And what’s really surprising to me is how hard it is to TRY to sound bad in a good way?

Harry Chapin died at a very young age in an auto accident on the way to a free concert to benefit one of his charities.  I miss him in the world.  And so as a very small tribute to him I went into the studio and recorded Six String Orchestra.  I hope you like it and it leads you to listen to more of Harry.

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