“Every song has a story and, every story…a song.”

Where Heaven Meets the Rainbow's End

To those who miss or have lost a loved one.

“…I know that we will live again when hope returns and love begins; where heaven meets the rainbow’s end.”

Performed by Kelli Firth                  

Rainbow's End
Where Heaven Meets the Rainbow's End

Art Work by Kate Stieber

To download, click on the Download Now button.  When the track appears, clock on the 3 dots on the right.

As of this entry, it’s been over a year since Covid has kept family, friends, churches, and virtually any gathering of more than 2 from being together. I know you know this, have experienced it and have your own story of it. Perhaps like yours, there are family I’ve not physically been with to hold, laugh with, cry with, sing with; just be with.  That has been and continues to be very hard to deal with.  Unlike me, your story may include the loss of someone which makes your story all the more tragic. 

We have all learned to cope and be creative with ways to stay in touch.  It brings some sense of comfort but it’s not the same.  One of the ways my family lives through this is by having a weekly video chat.  My family lives in the same city, New York, Eugene and Ireland.  During the pandemic 3 grand daughters were born and we all meet the new angels via zoom; especially Fe in Ireland.  During our initial chat with Fe, her Nana kept saying with tears in her eyes, “All I want to do is hold you and never let go.”  

That spoke to me about our collective experience and the hope we all cling to that, some day, at the end of that rainbow of hope, heaven will be our coming together again. 

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Cris

    Simply beautiful! A great spin on a year that has been tough for us all. May 2021 be a better year.

  2. Susana

    This song has such a sweet and calming tone. Almost like a Lullaby. She has a very soothing voice.

  3. Jim

    Great song! I love how it captures the sadness and emotion of separation, while at the same time providing a lift of hope and even anticipated joy, which you achieved through the swing beat, melody and chord progression. Very creative and effective! Especially liked the outro, with Kelly wistfully imagining what a wonderful reunion will one day be like. Beautiful song, beautifully written, arranged, and sung!

  4. Emily

    Listening on repeat! I LOVE THIS SONG! Thank you so much for sharing it. It’s just so beautiful.

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