“Every song has a story and, every story…a song.”

Breathe Deep

To My Beloved Linda

“O’ how we yearn, in faith for your saving breath, O God”

Performed by Kelli Firth

Breathe Deep

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Breathe Deep was recorded live in a concert held at Holy Trinity Parish, Beaverton, OR in 2000.  My daughter, Kelli performed it as I knew she would, with passion, force and that rare quality in a singer…presence.  When writing Breathe Deep, there was only one person I had in mind that could “tell the story” and that was Kelli.

Breathe Deep was written on October 14, 1999 which was the anniversary of the day I met MyBeloved, Linda one year earlier.  I was the Music Director at the parish and she the primary Choir pianist.  I was so impressed by her that I recalled the day.  It was also a day I had been preparing for the Season of Advent so I had Isaiah 11:6-11 on the brain.  That passage (as you know) speaks of a day to come when all will be at peace with the coming of the Messiah.  But another Scripture verse was going through my head; Genesis 2: 7  “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” That verse and the promise of peace brought together the image of a people, all people yearning for the breath of God to breathe life that peace can place in all hearts.