“Every song has a story and, every story…a song.”

Christy's Song

To Christy

“I sit and imagine a woman of wit, compassion, love, and truth.  And when that happens almost every time my thoughts just swing around to you.”

Christy's Song

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Christy’s Song was written in the back of a Greyhound Bus from Spokane to Wenatchee in 1975.  I had just failed a Military exam to join the Airforce and I was pondering my future as a candy factory worker.  It felt kind of bleak.

Along the road I was thinking of Marci and Christy as the two positives I had in my life when, the words and melody began to play in my head; “I sit and imagine all sorts of things mostly colorful and new. And when that happens almost every time my thoughts just swing around to you.”

I had never had that experience before. It was clear, exact, and fluid. I sat there just listening to it over and over again and as I did, more words and melodies followed. I had nothing to write with so I closed my eyes and pictured the words as the melody continued to play.

The trip from Spokane to Wenatchee is at least four hours so by the time I was home the whole song was done. But I had no instrument to accompany me.  I remember sitting with Christy one afternoon while Marci was out and singing it a Capella to her.  She was only one-ish so there was no immediate gratification from her.  But I was truly excited about my new song and sought out a friend to teach me three chords to play…E / A /  B7.

After a couple of weeks, I was able to play it to Christy (still not interested) and Marci. 

That was 45 years ago.  During that time I had written a hundred other songs and recorded 7 CDs but never recorded Christy’s Song; until now.  And in doing so I just had to add a new verse about the jewel Christy has become; a good and noble person of wit, compassion, love, and truth.

I’m very proud of this song not only for its personal history but for the “circle of life” it reveals to me.  

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