“Every song has a story and, every story…a song.”

For She Is...Love

To Emily

“Love is patient. Love is kind. Love’s not envious nor is Love blind. As a matter of fact Love is super-sighted for she sees the best in us all.”

Arranged, recorded and mastered by Jim Firth for “There Is Hope”.


To download, click on the Download Now button. When the track appears, clock on the 3 dots on the right.

A simple moment between two or more people can be profoundly transforming. I hope you have had such moments and that they are as vivid in your mind and heart as if it is happening all over again.

I have had many such moments but one in particular with Emily is the story behind For She Is…Love.

Kelli, Emily, and Nick lived out most of their childhood living with Marci and spending weekends and some evenings with me.  From 1994 – 1998 I lived in a new apartment and/or city six times.  Most of these dwellings were okay to good while there were a couple of places that were not-so-good to miserable.

This moment with Emily I’m telling you about was in the worst; a small, one-bedroom, dark, dungeon-like space that was in the bowels of a secured building.  It was miserable when I was alone but felt even more so with three growing children.

And then there was my toxic anxiety about wanting everything to be perfect for the kids when they visited: The right food, games or outings, plenty of movies, and so on.  The problem really was I was more terrified that the kids would be bored and would not want to be with me.  

On the Friday evening of their first visit to this new apartment, we were making our way through the dimly lit maze of hallways to get to my apartment.  We had not even gotten to the door when I became panic-stricken about how they were going to feel once inside.

I stopped to get my key and couldn’t find it right away.  The kids could see there was something not right about me.  Emily said, “What’s the matter, Daddy?” 

I took a deep breath and said, “This place is a dump.  I hate being in it and I’m afraid you guys will hate it even more and won’t want to come back.”

Emily gave me a big hug and said, “It doesn’t matter where we are, we just want to be with you.”

I started to cry.

That one sentence (and many, many similar statements from all of the children) blew away the fear I was choking on and allowed me to breathe in their unconditional renewing love.  

A few weeks later I was providing the music for a wedding in which one of the Readings was from 1 Cor: 4-8.  As I listened I was reminded of Emily’s words to me which put flesh on that Reading; for She Is…Love.

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