“Every song has a story and, every story…a song.”

Living In Your Eyes

To My Family

“I see God in your eyes.  I can see God in your smile. I gaze upon the Lord in my children and in the tears of one who cries.”

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Living In Your Eyes

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Living In Your Eyes is a complicated story and yet very simple.  It’s origin began with a very intimate conversation I had with a friend who was having a very difficult time with his marriage and was considering a divorce.  It continued with dinner I had with a Priest friend that evening.

The talk with my friend about his marriage was a genuine sacred moment as he poured out his feelings, fears, confusion, apprehension as well as impatience with wanting to make a decision.  I was honored to be “on holy ground” with him and was certain the presence of God was in our midst…mostly his.

That night at dinner with my Priest friend and after the typical greetings, he launched right off with this question, “So, where do you find God these days?” I was somewhat taken aback and paused a long while.  The first thing out of my mouth was, “Well, I see God in your eyes.”  And then I went on to share how my experience of God had been slipping away from the typical places; Mass, prayer, nature, moonlight, Scripture, even preaching priests.  I was finding God in the eyes of others who suffered, my children, those who believe in justice and live their lives struggling with oppression.  I find God in the simple moments and in change. 

When I went home it was dark and went out to look at the moon.  The first thing I hear in my head was, “It don’t see God in the moonlight.”  The rest came very quickly after that. 

I think this song was the beginning of a new way a looking at expressing my faith in an unconditionally loving God.  I could feel my attachments with the Church melting away and a new sense of spirituality being born.