“Every song has a story and, every story…a song.”

Time To Sleep

To Sweet Baby Fé

“While asleep and when awake your angels keep watch over you.  All of your family live deep inside, your precious and infinite soul.”

Time To Sleep

To download, click on the Download Now button.  When the track appears, clock on the 3 dots on the right.

Sweet Baby Feile Mari is, at this writing, already a year old.  She is the beautiful child of my daughter Emily and her husband, Brian who live in Ireland.  She was born during the Covid pandemic so there was little chance of meeting her in person any time soon.  The best we could do as a family, is zoom every week or so and be able to watch her grow through hundreds of pictures and videos on What’s App.  But seeing her, holding her, talking with her or even singing to her in person was not going to be an option.

Time To Sleep was a lullaby that came quickly as I looked at the picture that is the icon for the song.  I deeply wanted to write something that could be played for her so that she would know her Grandpapa’s voice and my love for her.

I’m hoping…just hoping that when I do meet her for the first time, she’ll recognize me by my voice, a spiritual connection between us for all of our lives.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Cristy

    Absolutely beautiful! Sweet baby Fé you are very loved!

  2. Emily

    So special and beautiful. I’m so grateful she has this gift from her grandpa to always feel close to no matter how far apart. I love you. Thank you!

  3. Susana

    I would totally play this for my baby. Such a sweet song.

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