“Every song has a story and, every story…a song.”

Yea God!

Yea God! is my second full-length album recorded and released in 1982.  It was recorded in Seattle, WA, and it was arranged, engineered, and produced by an amazing conductor, composer, and brilliant musician named David Maddox.  

This is a collection of original Christian songs of a variety of genres: Easy Listening, Rock (at that time), Ballads, Show Tune feel, and folk. Themes include hope, friendship, a wedding song, self-awareness, repentance, relationships between God and the community, personal relationships of mine that reflect the unconditional love of God, Praise, conversion, prayer, and parenting.  I hope that when listening to each of these songs, you are left feeling enriched, challenged, belonging, and deeply loved.

Please feel free to listen to any or all songs by clicking the play button.  To download click Download Now button and click on the 3 dots on the right of the track.

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    This is wonderful.

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